- Active Jump HTML Tutorial
Basic HTML tutorials on web page setup, font size and color, adding links, tables and
lists. Tutorials on frames and forms. A practice pad is provided.
- An instantaneous
introduction to CGI scripts and HTML forms
An instantaneous introduction to CGI scripts and HTML forms World Wide Web (WWW) browsers
display hypertext documents written in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Web browsers
can also display "HTML forms" that allow users to enter data.
- Anthony's HTML 4 Plus
This is a 10 part HTML tutorial. It starts with the basics and work up to images, tables,
forms, and frames. The tutorial is W3C HTML valid and downloadable.
- BUILDER.COM - Web Programming - Add
JavaScript to your forms
Add JavaScript to make your HTML forms come alive.
- Basic Tutorial: PHP by example
PHP and mailto forms. Learn how easy PHP makes using forms easy. Contact, Feedback -
- Carlos' FORMS Tutorial 1
Carlos' FORMS Tutorial Hi...I'm Carlos, and I've written this tutorial to teach you how to
do some cool stuff with the World-Wide Web. First of all, let's get acquainted... What's
your first name? Put your cursor in the text box, and type your name
- E-Forms EZ - Web Forms to E-Mail Made Easy
Process your Web Forms to E-Mail quickly and easily with no programming required! Features
in our Web Forms Remailer include multiple recipients, attached files, uploaded files,
text or HTML format messages, custom results files, and much more! Wo
- FORM - HTML forms
Wilbur is the name for the next HTML standard (3.2). Here you can find all the tags in
this proposal, including tips on usage and limitations.
- FormGate - HTML Forms to Lotus Notes
FormGate sends the field values from a fill out form on a WWW server to a Lotus Notes
database based on a Lotus Notes server.
- FormMail
Perl CGI script which will take the input of any form, parse the results and e-mail them
to the user specified in hidden fields. Can be used system-wide or single user.
- FormRunner! - Configurable Web Form Processing Tool Demo
- FormSite.com
Free and commercial services to create sophisticated HTML forms using only a web browser.
Database stored results can be optionally emailed.
- FormSite.com
- HTML Form Builder
Create database backed HTML forms for the Internet using only your browser. Forms can be
created and receiving results via the Internet in just minutes. Results optionally
- Forms in HTML documents
Forms, JavaScript, and
You - by Kas Thomas
- Forms, Scripts, and CGI
- Guide to Forms
- Guide to Publishing HTML and Forms
Offering documentation on writing HTML and forms to enhance your web site.
- HTML 2.0: Forms and Obscurities Index
Forms for Feedback
HTML forms explained in detail.From a simple mailto form to a more advanced cgi gateway
- HTML Guide
This site teaches both newbies and advanced how to build web sites. Included are lessons
for basic HTML such as changing text color, making forms, using frames and working with
image maps.
- HTML Tutorial for WebTV Newbies
An HTML tutorial for WebTV beginners. It covers most of the basic tags as well as some
instruction on making forms.
- HTML Wizards
This site has HTML tutorials for basic HTML codes as well for forms, tables, buttons and
meta tags.
for Rookies
This site covers learning how to use the basic HTML tags as well as how to make forms and
frames. A short list of commonly used HTML tags is included. included.
- How Was that Done with HTML?
There are tutorials included on using HTML to make font colors, web page backgrounds,
forms, tables, and windows. A section on adding counters to a web page is included.
- How to write HTML forms
- JetForm
XML Forms Architecture XFA.COM
XFA is JetForm's new XML Forms Architecture the Internet's first open standards-based
forms architecture that embraces all aspects of process automation - the capture,
presentation, movement, processing and output of in
- Learn HTML in Seven Easy Steps
basic tutorial covering tags, forms, frames, and tables.
- May 8 Print2DHTML
Convert documents to DHTML as easily as printing from the program where you created them.
Turn slide shows, newsletters, long and other documents into fast-loading web pages. Add
animation, forms, auto-generated navigation bars and others.
Beginner's Guide to HTML
This is a beginner's guide to HTML that has many sections on using HTML tags for web
pages. Some advanced topics such as making forms and using Cascading Style Sheets are
discussed. This site can be downloaded or viewed online.
- PageTutor.com - HTML Tutorials, Javascript
and Web Design: Form Tutor
Visit Pagetutor for web design, free html tutorials, frames, mouseover tutorial,
javascript tutorial, password, and professional web design service.
- RDF Tutorial - An
introduction to RDF in HTML, PS and PDF forms.
- Ralph's Forms, Html, &
Javascript Lessons
- SGML: xmlarch 0.25 - An XML
architectural forms processor
- SQLForms
Version 3.0 Tutorial - Welcome to the SQL*Forms Tutorial!
- Some HTML forms tags
- Ted's Comprehensive HTML
This site has a short tutorial on how to use each HTML tag. Tables and forms are also
- The
HiTMilL - HTML - Directory: tutorials, primers, color chart, reference, tables,
frames, forms, clipart, graphics. Easy categorical arrangement of resources.
- Ultimate
HTML Online Tutorial - Easy to use online tutorial, offering help to any level for the
web page designer. Includes help forms and message boards for personal assistance.
- Using JavaScript
To Control Forms
The Web Developer's Journal Using JavaScript To Control Forms - The Web Developer's
- Using
JavaScript and forms - JavaWorld June 1996
Javascript wears many hats. You can use JavaScript to create special effects. You can use
JavaScript to make your HTML pages 'smarter' by exploiting its decision-making
capabilities. And you can use JavaScript to enhance HTML forms. This last ap
- WDVL: VL-WWW: Forms
WDVL is an free encyclopedia of java, HTML, javascript, cgi, dhtml, XML, perl, web design
and domain name tutorials and resources.
- Web Communications HTML Tutorial -
- Web Form Designer - Web Form design
the easy way
- Web
reads your HTML forms and generates CGI scripts(PERL scripts) automatically.
- Web Gadgets ( counters, java, forms
etc. )
- Web Genie Interactive forms automatic
generated CGI perl scripts
Software for electronic commerce no programming required. Shopping cart, order form, guest
book, log file analyser, banner rotation, affiliate program, hosting.
- WebForms - HTML forms generator by Q&D Software
- Weeforms: An Introduction to Forms
An introduction to a variety of HTML forms used in email and web pages.
- XML Forms Architecture (XFA)
- Forms - HTML tutorial
HTML forms - HTML tutorial
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